Immigration expertise

Immigration will often be one of those life changing decisions. The ability to move, stay and/or remain in a country impacts every other facet of someone’s life. During the current uncertain times, this has been amplified further. With rules changing regularly, people need to obtain proper advice.

Our team acts for a number of clients, from those seeking a simple work visa, through to those seeking investment visas. We’re often referred work where there is an issue with an application, and it needs our experience for it to be resolved.

With the constant changes that are currently occurring, there is also a need to stay ahead of what is happening. We regularly speak to contacts at Immigration New Zealand about recent and future changes, as well as having discussions with people in central government.

We can assist with any immigration issue including:

  • Investment visas
  • Entrepreneur visas
  • Partnership work visas
  • Partnership residence visas
  • Straight to residence visa
  • Worth to residence visa
  • Skilled migrant category residence visas
  • Green list visas
  • Potentially Prejudicial Information (PPI) responses
  • Complaints and reconsiderations
  • Complaints to the ombudsman
  • Immigration & Protection Tribunal appeals
  • Appeals to the High Court
  • Character waivers
  • Health status issues
  • Student visas


As we are often called upon to handle the most difficult of situations, this includes appeals to the Immigration & Protection Tribunal (IPT).

Being a litigation based law firm, appeals to the court are not uncommon to us, and is something we have significant experience with.

Our experience with legal appeals is certainly shown in our results, something we are well known for.

Appeals can only be undertaken in certain circumstances. For most people, this will either be when a residence visa application is declined, or when someone has become unlawful in New Zealand. Remember that, with only a few rare exceptions, an appeal to the IPT must be filed within 42 days of becoming unlawful or the residence visa application being declined.

If someone is in a situation where the IPT is an option, experienced legal support should be obtained. We can provide that to you.

The Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) has now replaced several of the more common work visas. It is a new process that is employer lead, and has more stringent requirements for visas than anything previously seen.

We can assist employers and applicants with the process. This starts with accreditation for the employer, something which all employers should be undertaking, through to job checks, and then finally the work visa itself.

Please let us know if we can be of assistance.