Notary Public
What is a Notary Public
A Notary Public is a qualified lawyer appointed by the Faculty of Masters (based in the United Kingdom) to authenticate and certify documents for use overseas. Using a Notary Public ensures your documents are recognized internationally, facilitating smooth transactions and legal proceedings outside New Zealand.

Adelina Ong – Notary Public
Notarial Services (Auckland Only)
We offer the following notarial services in New Zealand for use overseas:
Notarizing For:
- General documents
- Powers of Attorney for land transfer overseas
- Copies of passports and academic qualifications
- Documents for international trade and business
Other Related Services Include:
- Certifying documents for foreign jurisdictions
- Noting and protesting Bills of Exchange
- Arranging certification with foreign Embassies and Consulates
- General Notarial Work
- Apostille Certificates and Authentication
Contact us to schedule an appointment or enquire about our services
Phone: 09 307 7909
Address: Level 15, 34 Shortland Street, Auckland 1010
What to Bring to Your Appointment
- When visiting a Notary Public, it is important to have two formal forms of identification with you, ideally your passport and photo driver’s license and/or proof of residence. To certify copies of documents the original needs to be sighted by the Notary Public.
- When you visit us for notarization, please bring the originals of all documents you need notarized.